jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to participate in "Shaping the Way We Teach English: Paths to Success in English Language Teaching". This is the second course of the series but you did not have to participate in Part 1 to be eligible to participate in Part 2.

This course is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). This means that you do not need to log in at any one specific time during the week but you will be given readings, assignments, and discussions questions that are due at a specific time each week. You should log into the course a few times a week to be successful. Registration is unlimited so please feel free to share with your colleagues. 
We also encourage teachers to work collaboratively. Many successful MOOC participants have formed facilitation groups. Each individual will still need to submit his/her work online, but facilitation groups meet once a week to discuss the content of the course.
If you complete the course, you will be issued a "Statement of Accomplishment" from Coursera.
Course Information:
Part 2: Paths to Success in English Language Teaching – Begins May 12
  • Week 1: Integrating skills and using tasks to motivate learners
  • Week 2: Alternative assessment to demonstrate language ability
  • Week 3: Incorporating individual learning differences in instruction
  • Week 4: Effective classroom management
  • Week 5: Reflective teaching
We hope you enjoy the course!
Visit Shaping the Way We Teach English at: http://shapingenglish.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network